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Orthodontics, also known as teeth straightening, helps to align crooked or crowded teeth to improve their function and your appearance.

Orthodontics at APOLLONIA dental practice can involve wearing aligners, which are thin, clear, flexible plastic mouthguards that you can remove.

Orthodontics treatment is carried out by an orthodontist, who specialises in straightening teeth. Our orthodontist Dr. Klevere Jekaterina has undergone dedicated orthodontic training, so you can rest assured you and your smile are in safe hands.

What type of orthodontic treatment we offer?

Removable, near-invisible or clear braces are aligners (moulds) that attach to your teeth that can, over time, straighten your teeth. Since they’re clear, they’re nearly invisible, which means it’s not obvious that you’re straightening your teeth.

Clear aligners system uses a series of virtually invisible, custom-made aligners that gradually straighten your teeth without using any metal wires or brackets.