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Oral surgery

Tooth removal

If your tooth is damaged or decayed and can’t be repaired with a filling or crown first, your dentist may decide to remove (extract) the tooth as a last resort.

When your tooth can’t be repaired, tooth removal may be the best option for you. However your dentist will talk through your options with you during your consultation. If you think you might need a tooth extracted, please contact our practice and book an appointment.

Oral surgery

Oral surgery is a term that encompasses a range of treatments offered by dentists and oral surgeons.

Routine surgical procedures such as tooth removal can be carried out by your general dentist, but you may be referred to a specialist oral surgeon for more complex treatments like wisdom tooth removal.

Wisdom teeth removal means having one or more of the third molars (your wisdom teeth) at the back of your mouth taken out. This can sometimes involve a surgical procedure.

Your wisdom teeth are the last four of the large grinding teeth (molars) at the back of your mouth to come through. You’re likely to have them by the time you reach your mid-twenties, though some people find they come through earlier or later than this.

Sometimes, your wisdom teeth don’t come through properly, meaning they’re impacted. This can cause problems such as pain, swelling and infection. Having your wisdom teeth taken out can ease these symptoms.

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